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“Any teacher in our school who is not happy is welcome to move on with our blessing.”
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It goes unsaid that many outstanding directors are leading fine international schools around the world. This article is not about these men and women who comprise the majority of educational leaders. Instead, this article focuses on international school heads who attempt to suppress teachers’ comments and criticisms, considering themselves in a league of their own, above and beyond their staffs’ credibility and qualification to interpret their performance.
As you might guess, ISR does, from time to time, receive email from “disgruntled” directors and principals in regards to specific reviews. Most of these emails have one thing in common–they often assume a “tone” and “posture” reflective of the way in which these individuals have been described in the very reviews to which they object. It’s odd they don’t recognize this fact.
Face-to-face communication with an administrator would certainly be the best way for teachers to resolve problems and m8bet sports bettingconcerns. But, when this type of communication may be career threatening, ISR offers teachers a safe venue through which to communicate their concerns to both their administrator and teachers who may be considering the particular school for a future career move.
Recently, a group of reviews asserted an administrator bullied the teaching staff. The author concluded by advising teachers to avoid the school. When the director wrote requesting ISR remove the reviews, the “tone” of his letter reflected the identical behavior to which he resented being accused. The review came to life, so to speak.
“…you have allowed disgruntled, unprofessional cowards to trash the reputation of a fine international school and myself. At a minimum, I expect you to remove any references to my name or me from your reviews immediately. If you choose to be professional, you will remove the two reviews posted in October, and early December and refuse to allow the individuals who posted those reviews to have access to your forum…”
Note that ISR was not asked to remove the school completely from the web site, just the specific reviews found objectionable. Suggestions for rewriting sections of other reviews were also included in the email. Not surprising, no mention was made of what to do with the complimentary reviews. We responded m8bet online casino gamesby sending a link to an ISR article that describes constructive ways to put criticism to positive use. The reviews were not removed from the ISR web site. Letters of threat followed. Considering himself above criticism from his professional teaching staff, this individual chose denial and suppression as his response to teachers’ comments.
Another director recently demanded the names of the people posting reviews so legal action could be taken. He treated us just as the reviews claimed he treated his teaching staff.
Can you provide us with the names of the reviewers? … 2 bitter people should not be allowed to vent personal views on a public forum. We are very keen to take the legal route and have the resources to do so. I’m writing to the times educational supplement about your practice…Please let me know by return email if you intend to give me the name of the person who has slandered my name and if you intend to withdraw the comment.
ISR informed the director that ISR reviews come from an anonymous-source form on the web site and we have no names or email addresses of people posting reviews. ISR did not remove the reviews in question and more threatening letters followed. We certainly understood how the staff felt. It is disheartening that some educational leaders hold themselves above professional opinion. m8bet Mobile appWe do not consider blaming and threatening staff an acceptable response to comment and criticism.
ISR believes education is about examining ideas contrary to our own, expanding our perceptions and growing as individuals based on those ideas. If you were a school director and the very people you hired, “the good fits”, later became dissatisfied with your performance, wouldn’t you endeavor to comprehend the situation instead of pointing an accusatory finger?
A prime example of an educational leader who considers staff members to be at fault for their dissatisfaction wrote to us in response to reviews saying the staff felt intimidated.
You suggest that “it would be a good idea to work to find out what is upsetting some teachers and causing them to feel intimidated: and then strive to solve the problem”. Do you know anything about schools? Do you really think that we do not have such procedures? And what are your qualifications to participate in such a debate on how to run a school? Personally, I have 24 years of teaching, an advanced degree and other certificates. I have worked hard to reach this point. Surely you understand that in any institution there will be someone who is unhappy. The answer for that person is NOT to hide behind that screen and abuse everyone, to his or her general loss. It is, simply, to move to a place where m8bet mobile loginthey are happy. Any teacher in our school who is not happy is welcome to move on with our blessing.