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Monthly Travel Column by Paul W. Gioffi
Edition 12

Disclaimer: While travel can be exciting and rewarding there are unforeseen dangers that may arise. The Information presented in Paul’s articles is the author’s personal opinion and what may have worked m8bet online sports bettingfor him yesterday may not work for someone else today or tomorrow. Therefore, you agree to use any and all information provided by the author at your own risk and agree that you will hold the author and ISR harmless in regard to any and all instances that may arise or result from use of this material.

Following, you’ll find travel tip 33 from Paul W. Gioffi. To read the introduction to this column which began in February of 2006 please see Edition 1. To access m8bet online sports bettingother previous editions please see the Index.

Entry 33: Disconnect to Connect

The spiritually debilitated, in an attempt to re-energize or find the answers to their questions, may opt for an extended jaunt into the wilderness leaving the rest of humanity behind. Some, who maintain superfluous amounts of energy, travel in order to expend it. Others may feel the need to disassociate themselves from what they know and immerse themselves in the unknown, in order m8bet online casino gamesto continuously learn. Whatever your reasons for disconnecting from the world may be, use it to make meaningful connections with yourself and those around you. This doesn’t necessarily mean keep your cellular telephone charged at all times so you can call everyone you know, from wherever you are, to tell them absolutely nothing. Traveling and exploring helps you to discover who you really are, to learn about yourself and others, to perceive how important and valuable m8bet mobile loginlife is, to ascribe meaning to the passage of time, and to appreciate relationships. Savor your experiences and don’t be afraid to share. If you disconnect for a while, don’t pass on the opportunity to reconnect in more positive ways. Send a relative or friend a letter from afar. Punch out a quick email from the youth hostel to let someone know you’re thinking about them. A few photos and postcards can brighten someone’s day. Better yet, make the journey across the m8bet online casino gamesstate, territory, ocean or mountain and show up on their doorstep with a bottle of wine. Time is fleeting and decades will pass before you realize it so don’t waste these moments. The age of computers, cellular telephones and cable television may be transforming us into isolated, socially inept drones, but there’s no stopping them. Let’s use them, and our time here on Earth, to rehumanize rather than dehumanize.

I hope you have enjoyed this month’s edition m8bet online casino gamesof Well-Weathered Travel Survival Notes & Other Curious Observations. Check back next month for a new entry. Until then, safe travels.
Contact me at Well_Weathered@yahoo.com

Learn more about Paul Gioffi