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m8bet online sports bettingMany schools reviewed on the ISR web site fail to live up to the Bill of Rights for International Educators. m8bet mobile loginYet, the recruiting agencies we contacted, along with the Task Force charged with solving the teaching candidate shortage, all failed to endorse this document. We can only speculate why. Learn more

Schools that withhold salaries, switch contract terms, substitute poor housing for promised housing, fail to reimburse travel and shipping allowances, renege on health insurance m8bet online sports bettingand engage in other dishonest practices are not acceptable schools to work at by any stretch of the imagination.

Such schools should be brought into compliance by the major recruiters or not allowed to recruit through their venues. We had hoped the Bill of Rights would be adopted by recruiters for just this purpose. After-all, the Bill of Rights was m8bet mobile logincreated by international educators to meet the needs of all educators working abroad.

As a community of international educators, we can effect a change even if recruiters continue allowing abusive schools to recruit through their venues . Please take a minute and review the tenets of the Bill of Rights. If you believe schools should guarantee these basic rights to m8bet online sports bettingits teaching staff, copy and paste the link below into an email and send it to an international school director you would like to see endorse the Bill of Rights for international educators.


At recruiting fairs and on job advertisements, look for schools displaying the Bill of Rights and/or m8bet Mobile appit’s logo. Take a copy of the Bill of Rights to job fairs and ask the school you are considering to endorse the document before you sign a contract. The Bill of Rights for International Educators outlines the basic protections
we all deserve. Download the Bill of Rights in Pdf

m8bet sports betting  We support the Bill of Rights for International Educators