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m8bet Mobile appThis fair is just a testing ground for recruiters, not too many signings and in most cases schools don’t even get back to you.
Hong Kong 1/25
The fair’s venue was at one of the best and established international schools of Hong Kong (m8bet online casino gamesChinese International School). Wifi was available and there were volunteer students there helping you out. The organization was well done.As for the overall recruitment aspects for candidates, there weren’t that many jobs . I talked to a few m8bet online casino gamesnon-caucasians and almost a lot of them did not score interviews, while the recruiters were very keen on the caucasian teachers. The non-caucasians I talked to were offered local contracts and were given the excuse that the oversea positions m8bet Mobile appwere reserved for very experienced candidates (Creative secondary). There weren’t many positions left since the schools have gone through many fairs prior to this one and the candidates pretty much aim for 2-3 schools (ESF, CDNIS, HKIS m8bet mobile loginand CIS for Hong Kong). The fair was very competitive and if you are new to the international circuit, scoring a job at the better schools would be next to impossible.
I would not recommend this fair to fresh grads since a lot of the candidates were very seasoned.