m8bet online casino games Comments Won’t Make It Onto ISR

There are many ways to get your point across, some more tactful than others. I think we’ll all agree that whatever your point or approach, examples & elaboration always add credibility & utility to any statement. After all, in the absence of m8bet online casino games elements we are left with simple name calling, which does little to enhance a School or Admin Review. Additionally, m8bet online casino games does not review teachers. Reviews that attempt to belittle, discredit or demean previous posters will not post.  Here are some examples of rejected m8bet online casino games:

Too many illegal activities to list… 

The English teacher who was fired for flirting probably wrote those nasty m8bet online casino games…

They cheated me. m8bet online casino games people are a bunch of crooks. Stay away! (Note: This is the entire Review)

The owner is in the mafia, or has a mafia ‘friend’. He has NO moral fiber…

The PE teacher probably wrote those m8bet online casino games. He did a runner…

This is the lowest-end international school. Run as fast as you can from this school.
(Note: This is the entire Review)

The board is made up of a bunch of housewives with two brain cells between them

STAY AWAY!!! Over the past 4 years there have been many questionable & shady decisions made by upper administration. (Note: This is the entire Review)

He hires mostly young women because he is looking for a good-looking wife…

Without a doubt, some teachers have had incredibly trying times at their schools & sharing experiences with colleagues via ISR helps other educators m8bet online casino games informed career decisions. But without collaborative information & examples provided, comments have little value to ISR Members.

Yelp & other well-known product/services review sites have adopted a policy of not posting baseless m8bet online casino games which hinge on a customer simply venting their frustration. When submitting a School Review, ISR recommends authors consider what value their m8bet online casino games will have for potential job-seeking colleagues. We suggest teachers avoid the following:

‘He said–she said’ sequels & soap opera reporting that delves into relationships, conversations & motivations to which one is not privy

Inflammatory m8bet online casino games, an overtone of venting, revenge &/or character attack

Broad, sweeping generalizations with nothing sited to back them up. For Example: everyone hates him / he has absolutely no qualifications.

A focus on character traits & personality flaws outside the school environment

Discussions of administrators’ children (no matter what age) and or spouse, specific parents or specific children.

ISR is here to serve as a voice for the International Teaching Community, helping each other m8bet online casino games informed decisions about schools around the world. Maintaining a professional, tactful, insightful tone when reviewing schools will help ensure ISR’s utility & benefit to colleagues. Select the Type of m8bet live casino.