Negative School m8bet online live casino Can Spell ‘Don’t Go’!

International Teacher Recruiting is serious business and we tell ourselves that somehow, someway, the people m8bet online live casino happens to bring m8bet online live casino on themselves. After all, if they didn’t, m8bet online live casino could happen to us.

It’s no secret that many m8bet online live casino on the ISR web site paint a negative picture of various international schools. It’s also no secret that there is a group out there that believe these negative m8bet online live casino are nothing more than the ranting of a few disgruntled teachers, and thus should be dismissed as such and ignored when recruiting for international teaching positions.

After reading recent postings to the ISR Forum concerning negative m8bet online live casino I would like to pose a question to those who are complaining about the negativity of the site: At a restaurant or hotel, do you call the manager over and tell him what great service you got? Every time you get it? Or do you accept good service as your due? Do you write the company about their product doing exactly what it claims? Or do you accept that it SHOULD do what it claims to do?

My point, obviously, is that it is the nature of people to accept good experiences as what they deserve, and to complain about the bad ones. I agree that some of the complaints on the ISR web site are over the top. I agree that the constant stream of negativity is wearing. I m8bet online live casino even see where they hamper the effectiveness of the site.

But maybe those of you that are saying, “Those schools should have been avoided in the first place” have never been at a truly horrible m8bet online live casino. I read the complaints about my future m8bet online live casino on the m8bet online sports bettings Review web site and I decided to go anyway. Why? Because many of the writers said the problems would be fixed by the implementation of some new strategies, and also because one claim just seemed so over the top that I could not believe any m8bet online live casino could be so bad. A m8bet online live casino that would do what was done to this person would be just plain evil.

Upon arrival however, I soon discovered, to my sorrow, that the m8bet online live casino was evil and they treated me with a degree of disrespect that you would not believe, until it actually happens to you.

“They treated me with a degree of disrespect that you would not believe, until m8bet online live casino actually happens to you.”

So, maybe we shouldn’t complain because it doesn’t work anyway. After all, I decided to go because I just didn’t believe someone could have been treated so badly. After breaking my contract, I related my experiences, in person, to two teachers who are going to the school next year. They are still going. I think it is in part because those who are good just m8bet online live casino’t believe that such evil exists. We tell ourselves that somehow, someway, the people it happens to bring it on themselves. After all, if they didn’t, it could happen to us.

Bad things do happen to good people, and not just because they didn’t do their homework or take sufficient care or have enough foresight or…whatever. The fact that we m8bet online live casino’t prevent it doesn’t mean we should accept it. We must rage against it. We must do whatever we m8bet online live casino to say, “This is not right”. No matter how futile it may be, we must tell others our experiences.

If you want balance, those of you with positive experiences, start posting! Let us know where those good schools are. If the negativity is impacting the site m8bet online live casino is up to those with positive experiences to post them. I understand that some people overreact. I understand that some people have unrealistic expectations and I understand there are others who are simply never going to be happy.

I was not prepared for the degree of politics, power plays, sabotage, and just…evil…I experienced.

But there are m8bet online live casino us with legitimate complaints. m8bet online live casino us whose contracts have been changed mid-year. m8bet online live casino us whose job performance was sabotaged. m8bet online live casino us who were manipulated into leaving only to be threatened with both civil and criminal charges.

I knew from the previous m8bet online live casino that my school was not the best place to work so I was ready for some rough spots. But I was not prepared for the degree of politics, power plays, sabotage, and just…evil…I experienced. I truly had never seen anything like it and I hope I never do again. Can you experience the same thing anywhere? Sure. The two teachers I warned are leaving a public school district very similar (they say) to what they will be facing, so for them it’s business as usual but with some interesting cultural attractions nearby. I’m waiting to see what they say when they actually get there.

If you want something to be different, MAKE m8bet online live casino DIFFERENT!

But the point of this rant is, if you want something to be different, MAKE m8bet online live casino DIFFERENT! But don’t blame those of us who tell the truth about our reality just because you don’t share m8bet online live casino. Instead, send your positive experiences to ISR so we cannot just avoid the evil schools, but, more importantly, seek out the good ones.