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The overwhelming majority of ISR readers who took our survey made a strong case for not deleting old reviews. Reasons were many and varied. We have included the 300+ responses in the Total Survey Results table which follows. Here’s 7 samples of received responses.

• No
While the director plays an important role in the “state” of the school there is so much more that people report on. If reviews are removed this additional information will disappear.

• No
Should we delete and forget the difficult and embarrassing times in a countries history or shall a country believe in democracy and transparency. Talking about the past and explaining it is seen nowadays as healthy and hiding or deleting it is frankly seen  as what a totalitarian state would do. Can a company ask a newspaper to withdraw bad review about their products in a free country ? I hope not.

• No
I think, instead, you should publish the names of directors who want the information removed because they do not have enough professionalism to believe that they can overcome the problems. And if they want to hide past problems, think about what they will do with current problems.

• Yes
I don’t think any reviews should remain on a web site indefinitely.  There are many biased views by people who are malcontents and they do a lot of damage for a long time.  I feel strongly that any organization worth its weight should be responsible about how it conducts business.  I recommend reviews be removed when a new director takes over.

• No
ISR is helpful to “m8bet mobile loginreal” administrators as the list of concerns or challenges the school faces is already listed.

• No
To delete the old reviews would weaken the whole importance of the existence of ISR.  Board members and owners could easily play on this and change directors quite regularly so that bad information about the school is constantly being deleted.

• No 
A teacher’s positive/negative evaluations don’t disappear when they change schools. Why should a directors?

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Delete school history? no

text area: Many of the reviews posted on ISR relay important information about the city, country, economy, travel opportunities and not just the school. This information is really helpful too.

Delete school history? no

text area: No because posts also include useful information about the country and package that is on offer.  Maybe a compromise would be to indicate on the review sheet when a new director has taken over so that it is clear that previous posts don’t apply to them either good or bad.

Delete school history? yes

Delete school history? no

text area: While the director plays an important role in the “state” of the school there is so much more that people report on. If reviews are removed this additional information will disappear.

Delete school history? yes

text area: I would not remove all old reviews, but perhaps those more than a year old.  It seems unfair to the new directors that they should be saddled with negative reviews for years, even when they’ve helped turn things around.

Delete school history? no

Delete school history? no

Delete school history? no

text area: No – the dates of each review are clearly stated on the review, so no need to delete. Past posts may contain other valuable information regarding location etc,. so not useful to delete at all.

Delete school history? no

Delete school history? no

Delete school history? no

text area: Surely the staff will let us know (a school has changed) by writing a new review?

Delete school history? no

text area: It is important to always have access m8bet online casino gamesto an accurate history of the school. If a new Director steps in and improves the school that should be reflected in the ISR reviews.

Bad Directors and Principals should not be allowed to have their slates wiped clean (they happily black ball many hard working teachers). They should be accountable for their actions. Also, it can save future teachers from having to work for them.

Delete school history? no

text area: By not deleting these comments, it gives a more rounded view of the school. For example, if a school had a difficult time under one director, readers can see/gauge how much better life is under the new director, or vice versa. If these comments are deleted it only gives a very small window of time for reviews to be circulated.

Delete school history? no

Delete school history? no

text area: Hi – even though I have said no I think some moderation is needed – ie. naming names on the site – maybe some of the extreme reviews – ie. top and bottom of spectrum.  Reviews need to be informative rather than a ‘get even’ kind of things –  We can all (international teachers) have positions that are not a good fit for one reason or another – its just the way it goes in such a complex work environment.


Delete school history? no

Delete school history? no

Delete school history? no

text area: No deleting please. Good information about the school, its history and the place itself would be lost.

Delete school history? no

text area: They should write a rebuttal. ISR should publish changes in management/ownership but the director should honestly address the issues mentioned in the negative review.

Delete school history? no

Delete school history? no

text area: No, the reviews often contain information that is not directly related to the director such as particulars about the city, county, culture, salaries, social life, etc.

Delete school history? yes

Delete school history? no

text area: Should a director collect m8bet sports bettinghistorical information on a teacher applicant?

Should a school collect m8bet sports bettinghistorical information on a student applying to register?

Delete school history? no

text area: The for-profit owner-operated schools of the Middle East will not change dramatically no matter who is the director.

Delete school history? no

text area:
No, but perhaps a more definitive way to show leadership has changed since the last post.

Delete school history? no

text area: Simple make it clear that a new director has taken charge, as you do now.

Delete school history? yes

text area: Old reviews should be removed to allow the change of leadership and overall school community to move forward in a positive, collegial, manner.

Delete school history? no

Delete school history? no

Delete school history? no

text area: Even if a director is new, much of the information in the old reviews still may hold true. The info. about the housing, living in the city, attitude of the locals is likely to remain the same. School facilities are also not likely to change the moment a new director comes into town. It is good for teachers to able to see how a school has progressed and changed over time.

Delete school history? no

text area: Always good to get a little history…

Delete school history? no

text area: As a veteran of 30 years in Asian international schools, an administrator myself, married to a respected administrator and the daughter of a man who founded 3 famous international schools in Europe, I feel very strongly that there is a great deal in many, many of the reviews which does not have to do with the Head of School. There is also no guarantee that changing the head will automatically improve everything at a school

Delete school history? no

text area: If there is a problem at a school, it could be as a result of the board of directors, the management team or i, some cases in the Middle East, a company that is just focused on the profit margin.

Delete school history? no

text area: In certain schools directors make very little difference to the school’s atmosphere, since the board has all the power.

Delete school history? no

text area: I don’t think that reviews that are more than a few years m8bet online casino gamesold are relevant.  I don’t put a lot of weight into the reviews that were written in say, 2001 or even 2004.  New director or not, the administration and culture of a school may change with the change in Principals, too, or other administrate staff.

Delete school history? no

text area: I think the old reviews are instructive.  From my experience many trends survive the change of director.  However, I think it would be fair to post the old files in a different color font or perhaps a grayed (60% font color) so as to suggest that a new page could have been turned.  Even a note by ISR when a new director is appointed in the chronology of postings would be fair and helpful to novices who may not realize a change of leadership has occurred.  Often, the new director continues to be micro managed by owners and boards and the same old problems crop up despite the best efforts of the new, well meaning director.

Delete school history? no

text area: it is useful to see older reviews and see if there is a history behind the reviews. The situation may not always be director-related, but are reflective of the community or school culture.

Delete school history? no

text area: It is common but naive to think the director is the only factor in a school’s success or otherwise. S/he has to answer to a Board or an owner. Many a decent director has been stymied by a Board or owner who knows nothing about education and cares even less.

Delete school history? no

Delete school history? no

Delete school history? no

text area: Most reviews include much more than just what a director brings to the school environment and culture. Why would you ever take old reviews away? Let the people who pay good money to subscribe to your service decide if an old review is no longer relevant due to a change in Director. That is exactly what my wife and I do as we consider new schools.

Delete school history? no

text area: I appreciate that a new Director wants m8bet online sports bettinga clean slate, to make their own mark and create a new atmosphere and  affect change. However, the reviews also give additional history that could still be relevant about the location, cost of living, after school activities, the city, housing, security and other aspects of school life. If a director who leaves always has their past erased, one would not be able to see a pattern of either an excellent director coming to your school or one that has a more disruptive pattern.

Delete school history? no

Delete school history? no

text area: Maybe flag the historical evaluations in a separate folder / colour under the school’s heading on the site – they do help one to gauge the all round picture – warts and all!

Delete school history? no

text area: I think that the comments should stay. It is not only the new leader who affects the atmosphere. In many cases it is also dependent upon the board of governors, ongoing conditions etc… These frequently stay the same even with a new director. The date of each director is on the post so people will be aware of this.

Delete school history? no

text area: I think that reviews that are over 5 or 6 years old, and where  there is a new director, should be removed, but a new director doesn’t always change the general feeling and problems in the school.

Delete school history? no

text area: But, when known, a change of directors should be noted by ISR.  There is MUCH more to a school over time than any one director.

Delete school history? yes

text area: New director, new start. Some of schools have too much old information. Would make it quicker and clearer and more relevant.

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